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World Intellectual Property Day 2024

The World IP Day is celebrated each year on April 26th. This event coincides with the date on which the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) entered into force in 1970. World IP Day celebrates creativity and the contribution made by creators and innovators to the development of economies and societies across the globe.


The theme chosen by WIPO for 2024 was "IP and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Building our common future with innovation and creativity”. The aim was to explore how IP encourages and can amplify the innovative and creative solutions that are critical to building our common future.












The seminar organized by the MRIC to mark World IP Day 2024 provided an opportunity to highlight the central role that IP, innovation and creativity play in achieving the SDGs. In this context, the objective of the MRIC Technology Transfer Office was also to show how a balance is being achieved between protecting IP and achieving the SDGs, as progress is made towards a more sustainable and equitable future.


The following speakers intervened during the seminar:


  • Ms D Sharma, Senior Associate, Advocate and Patent Agent, SKS Law Associates, India.

  • Ms J Chen, Economic Officer, US Embassy (Mauritius).

  • Dr S Raghu, President, Advanced Fluidics LLC, USA (online).

  • Mrs M Nuckecheddy-Bhurtun, Industrial Property Officer, Industrial Property Office of Mauritius.

  • Me S Subbarayan, Legal Affairs Director, University of Mauritius.

  • Ms O Bisquay, Partner, PLCJ Law Firm, France & Mauritius.

  • Ms S Jetha, Director, Patents and IPs, Patent Office, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India (online).

  • Dr Y Kapitsa, Director, Centre for Intellectual Property Studies and Technology Transfer, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine (online, pre-recorded).

  • Ms Y Baykal, Senior Consultant on IP and Technology Transfer, INOMER, France (online).


The presentations are available on the MRIC website ( )


By: Dr N Gopaul and Ms H Keenoo

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